The most impressive CRM that I ever encountered

 Microsoft 365's collection of productivity tools effortlessly connects with its dynamics 365 CRM module. It provides strong CRM features, such as marketing, sales, and customer support. Workflows are streamlined by the close interaction with Teams, sharepoint, and Outlook, and customer engagement is improved by AI driven insights. It supports companies of all sizes and is both scalable and adaptable, giving them the tools they need to successfully manage client relationships and spur expansion. Organisations may use dynamics 365 CRM to access strong features like customer analytics, opportunity tracking, and lead management from within well known Microsoft environments. Furthermore, accessibility from any location at any time is guaranteed by the platform's cloud based architecture, which promotes productivity and remote collaboration. All things considered, dynamics 365 CRM by Microsoft 365 offers a complete solution for companies looking to maximise their client connections,

Cybersecurity and Fake-News

 3 Fake News over the Internet that everyone know about
These news has been across the social media (Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Tiktok) as well as all over the internet forums and blogs.

Misinformation about drinking bleach or snorting cocaine can cure Covid-19.

The idea that COVID-19 can be cured by using bleach or other household disinfectants. This false information quickly propagated over social media, which put users at risk of serious health problems or even death when they attempted to consume these chemicals.

Here's the source:

Malinformation about The Great Wall of China being visible from space

One malinformation that a lot of people have is that the Great Wall of China can be seen from space. Despite decades of myth-making, the Great Wall is not readily visible with the naked eye from space. Even while in perfect circumstances certain parts would be visible from low Earth orbit, this is not a constant or conspicuous feature as is frequently claimed.

Here's the source:

Disinformation about the "Pizzagate" conspiracy theory

During the 2016 U.S. presidential election campaign, a conspiracy theory known as "Pizzagate" emerged, which made the unverified allegation that senior Democratic Party officials were part of a child sex trafficking network that operated out of a pizzeria in Washington, D.C. This misinformation, which has been extensively refuted, continued to circulate on social media and resulted in intimidation and threats directed towards the pizzeria's employees and clients.

Here's the source:

Distinguishing between misinformation, malinformation, and disinformation

Misinformation is false or inaccurate information that is spread without purpose to do harm. The important thing to note is that there isn't any intentional effort to mislead or exert influence. Genuine errors, misconceptions, or a lack of knowledge regarding the veracity of the material being given can all lead to the spread of misinformation.

Malinformation is spreading accurate information with the intention of misleading or causing harm. In this instance, the information may be true in and of itself, but it is presented in a way that is damaging or deceptive. The important thing to remember is that although the information is genuine, it is being spreaded with malicious intent.

Disinformation is the purposeful spreading of incorrect information with the aim to mislead, control, or sway public opinion or behaviour. Disinformation is produced and spreaded with the intention of deceiving others, in contrast to misinformation, which may spread accidentally. The intentional desire to mislead or exert control is crucial in this situation.

So the easy consideration is

Misinformation : False information but unintentional

Malinformation : True information but with malicious intention

Disinformation : False information spread especially to deceive

How I would deal with/response to those fake news

I always make careful to double-check facts before spreading it when I come across false news. I pause to verify the information and refer to reliable fact-checkers such as or Snopes. I gently inform others about the value of critical thinking and report false information to the site when I come across it. Fighting the spread of false information also requires setting an example, encouraging media literacy, and leading by example. In order to prevent myself from becoming caught up in information bubbles and to make the online community better informed, I also look for different points of view.

The major difference between Thailand and Finland's policy in regarding fake news

Thailand is using more government regulation of social media sites and information distribution as part of its anti-fake news strategy. Under the Computer Crimes Act, the government has implemented new rules and implemented measures like mandatory real-name registration and increased surveillance. Opponents claim that these actions would restrict freedom of speech and digital rights.

While Finland fights false news by emphasising empowerment and education. Critical thinking abilities and information literacy are incorporated into the national curriculum starting in elementary school. The government works with NGOs and other stakeholders to spread the word about fake news and give people the resources they need to recognise and respond to false information on their own. Finland highlights the value of democratic principles and engaged citizenship when navigating the world of digital information.

In my opinion, I think Thailand's policy is better because it offers direct regulatory control ensuring swift action against fake news spreading. By tightening regulations and implementing surveillance measures, the governement can effectively preventing the spread of misinformation. While some may express concerns about potential violations of digital rights, Thailand's proactive stance priotizes the protection of citizens from harmful misinformations. This approach aims to safeguard public discussion and maintain societal stability. 

Here's my news source 
Thailand :,%2C%20including%20'fake%20news'.

Finland :


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